Violence in name of politics is badly damaging fabric of country: Analysts

Economic stability in a country is directly linked with political stability. The political instability and violent acts happened in the last few days were never seen before in the history of Pakistan. The business community across the country is ready to play a role by sitting with the political parties and other stakeholders as the political instability is badly affecting the business activities. The business community also condemned the attacks on buildings of armed forces and state institutions. The violent acts have defamed Pakistan's image in the world and will take years to be repaired. The economic collapse will bring the country to default. Political anarchy, chaos is a big hurdle in a country's growth. All the stakeholders need to sit together to come up a long-lasting solution to bring the economy on the right track. The previous government breached the agreement with the IMF that resulted in the trust deficit. The IMF is imposing strict conditions for the bailout package. The bailout package is vital to bring the country out of the economic crisis.

Dr. Salma Mehr Malik (IR Expert): The concerns regarding the violence across the country executed by a political party are very alarming. The miscreants have damaged the public and private properties, destroyed historic buildings and also attacked the state institutions and armed forces buildings. Unfortunately, the leadership has provoked the people for the violent acts. There is a dire need that all the political parties should sit at a table and reach a mutual consensus for the sake of national interests to end the political crisis. The political leadership needs to come up with a solution.

Source: Radio Pakistan

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