Businessmen to Get UAE Visa in One Day as New Visa Center Opens in Karachi

Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Acting President Suleman Chawla has welcomed the opening and operationalization of UAE’s biggest visa center in Asia in their Karachi Consulate and termed it a milestone in fostering the people-to-people (P2P) and business-to-business (B2B) relations between the two countries.

Chawla said that this step will go a long way to encourage Pakistani businessmen, entrepreneurs, investors, exporters, tourists, and students to opt for various states of UAE as their preferred destination for business and tourism.

He said that FPCCI appreciates Bakheet Ateeq AlRemeithi, Consul General of UAE in Karachi, for his visionary, proactive, and facilitative role for the business community of Pakistan in general and Karachi in particular.

FPCCI VP Shabbir Mansha highlighted that UAE is a very important destination for the export of Pakistani skilled and semi-skilled workforce and one of the top contributors of workers’ remittances for Pakistan.

Therefore, UAE is a very important friendly country for Pakistan to maintain foreign exchange reserves, employment opportunities, strategic environment and help Pakistan avoid a balance of payments crisis by warding off default on its external liabilities, he added.

Businessmen to Get Visa in One Day

AlRemeithi informed the FPCCI delegation that Pakistani businessmen will start getting UAE visas within one working day with the minimum required documentation. He added that he is committed to enhancing B2B relations, chamber-to-chamber linkages, trade promotion activities, joint ventures, industrial collaborations, and travel and tourism between the two countries.

AlRemeithi also invited the business community of Karachi to approach him directly in case of any issues, complaints, and delays. He also termed the new facility as customer-business-friendly with no hidden charges.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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