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Govt Notifies Maximum Price of Filled Oxygen Cylinder

The federal government has notified the maximum price of filled Oxygen Cylinder for retail Sale.

Documents available with ProPakistani stated that the Ministry of Industries and Production has fixed the maximum retail price of oxygen cylinders with different cylinder capacities.

The Ministry of Industries and Production said on Friday it was capping the price of oxygen cylinders used to treat COVID-19 patients and other respiratory diseases after complaints of hoarding and shortages were observed by the government.

The aforesaid directives were notified in a detailed circular under S.R.O No.1114(I)/2021 for the Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding Order, 2021.

According to the notification, the maximum retail cost of an empty 10 litre oxygen cylinder has been fixed at Rs. 12,500, while for a filled cylinder, the price has been capped at Rs. 12,900 and Rs. 400 for refilling.

The consumer has to pay Rs. 400, Rs. 960 and Rs. 1100 extra if they want to refill the above-mentioned different capacity cylinders.

The maximum retail cost of an empty 40 litre oxygen cylinder has been set at Rs. 23,000, while for a filled cylinder, the price is now fixed at Rs. 23,960 and Rs. 960 for refilling.

The maximum retail cost of an empty 47 litre oxygen cylinder has been fixed at Rs. 25,000, while for a filled cylinder, the price has been capped at Rs. 26,100 and Rs. 1,100 for refilling.

The document further added that the ministry of I&P has directed the provincials as well as ICT administration to implement this order under the powers delegated to them by SRO F.No1(7)/2005-CA, Vol-III dated 14th September 2006 and to take action against the producers, dealers, distributors and retailers who do not comply with this order, as provided under the Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding Act, 1977.

However, provinces and federal regions/ICT may add an allowance to the notified prices for extra transportation costs in remote or distant areas, the document added.

All divisions have been directed to add an allowance to the above-mentioned prices, respectively, for extra transportation costs in remote/distant areas. To make sure that the price verticles are strictly followed, compliance reports will be prepared on a weekly basis.

Further, a weekly compliance report shall be submitted by authorities exercising the delegated powers of Controller General of Prices in the provincial and federal regions/ICT. This order shall come into force immediately and shall be given wide publicity through a notification in the official gazette.

Further, a weekly compliance report shall be submitted by authorities exercising the delegated powers of Controller General of Prices in the provincial and federal regions/ICT. This order shall come into force immediately and shall be given wide publicity through a notification in the official gazette.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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