PM to personally review ongoing reforms in FBR

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has directed to hire the services of talented and professional lawyers to take up various cases related to Federal Board of Revenue, pending at different courts and tribunals. Chairing a meeting to deliberate on the matters related to Federal Board of Revenue in Islamabad today, he further directed to establish Customs Appellate Tribunals along with Inland Revenue Appellate Tribunals for expeditious disposal of tax related cases. The Prime Minister said he would personally chair the weekly meetings to review ongoing reforms in the FBR and revenue collection. He said the Federal Board of Revenue has a key role in the country's economy. Shehbaz Sharif stressed the need of collective efforts for development of the country. He directed to formulate a comprehensive policy for honoring the officials and officers of FBR, who would show excellent performance. The meeting was briefed that work is already underway for establishment of Inland Revenue Appellate Tribunals and a written test would be conducted for appointment of judges in these tribunals under a transparent procedure. Source: Radio Pakistan

Masood calls for strong Pak-US defence, security ties

Pakistan's Ambassador to the US Masood Khan has emphasized strong defence and security cooperation between Pakistan and the US. Addressing Annual Pakistan conference titled, 'Looking Back, Looking Forward: Assessing the US-Pakistan Relationship', in Washington D.C. on Thursday, he said this is crucial for regional security and opposing the rising tide of terrorism that also threatens the interests of the US and its allies. Projecting security, economic and strategic components as the new domains of cooperation between the two countries, Masood Khan observed that security cooperation has its importance. He highlighted high-level defence talks, frequent meetings, military exercises including Inspired Union-2024, Falcon Talon and Red Flag that promoted defence cooperation between the two countries. The Ambassador observed that the prospects of Pakistan-United States relations are bright. Noting that the two countries have leveraged their bilateral relationship for their respective strategic interests, Masood Khan said that they were developing a practical roadmap that enabled them deepen their understanding and deliver security and prosperity for all. Highlighting Pakistan's demographic dividend, technological advancements and huge market opportunities, Ambassador Khan invited US investors and businesses to tap the country's potential. Outlining numerous areas of successful collaboration between Pakistan and the US, including energy, agriculture, climate change, healthcare, education, science, and technology, Ambassador Masood Khan expressed gratitude for US assistance and ongoing partnerships while welcoming the launch of new initiatives in these fields. He invited the attention of the participants towards huge investment opportunities in IT, energy, agriculture and minerals sectors. He said SIFC-prioritized projects have opened up new opportunities to American technologies in agriculture, ICT and mining projects. On the Pak-China relationship, Masood Khan said Pakistan's posture is neither one of strategic a utonomy nor of strategic neutrality; but one that may be called a strategic dyad model, which has been chosen by major countries in Global South. Pakistan was a strategic bridge between the US and China in the early 1970s. Now we can be an economic conduit. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) can connect the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the US-led Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII). On India, the Ambassador said Pakistan has always been keen on dialogue with India to resolve outstanding problems, such as the Kashmir dispute. Elections in two countries should offer a new opening for diplomacy. He observed that the US should make Pakistan a partner for a diplomatic comeback in Kabul, if that is what is being planned, and work with Pakistan, in an inclusive setting, on counterterrorism and the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan. Source: Radio Pakistan

NA regrets US resolution, asserts Pakistan’s sovereignty

The National Assembly has passed a resolution regretting the resolution passed by the US House of Representatives, stating that Pakistan, as an independent and sovereign country, will not accept any interference in its internal affairs. The resolution, moved by Shaista Pervaiz Malik, further asserted that the US resolution reflects an incomplete and erroneous understanding of Pakistan's political and electoral processes. It highlighted that the US resolution fails to acknowledge the free and enthusiastic exercise of voting rights by millions of Pakistanis in the recently held General Election. The National Assembly reaffirmed Pakistan's commitment to safeguarding and upholding democratic principles and norms as enshrined in the Constitution, in line with the aspirations of the people and the vision of the country's founding fathers. The resolution also brought attention to more pressing issues for the US Congress, such as ongoing acts of genocide in Gaza, gross human rights violations in the Indian Illeg ally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), and state-sanctioned atrocities against minorities, especially Muslims, in India. The House called upon the US and the international community to take immediate steps to alleviate the suffering of innocent people in Gaza and IIOJK. It expressed hope that in the future, the US Congress will play a more constructive role in strengthening Pakistan-US bilateral relations by focusing on avenues of collaboration for the mutual benefit of both countries. The resolution called upon the government of Pakistan to enhance bilateral cooperation with the United States by improving channels of communication to dispel such misperceptions and work towards harmonious relationships for the progress and prosperity of people of both countries. Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan reminds India of abysmal HR record in IIOJK

Pakistan has reminded India of its abysmal human rights record in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Speaking in the UN Security Council in a reply to a statement from an Indian delegate, the Second Secretary at the Pakistan Mission Rabia Ijaz said Indian state terrorism in IIOJK will not dampen the spirit of those seeking their legitimate right to self-determination. Rabia Ijaz said concrete evidence has been shared with the UN establishing beyond any doubt that TTP and BLA have been financed and sponsored by Indian agencies. She said the captured Indian spy, Kulbhushan Yadav, is on record to have confessed to India's support for such terrorist and subversive activities. Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan Navy War College preparing best manpower: Naval Chief

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Naveed Ashraf says Pakistan Navy War College is preparing the best manpower by imparting quality education and professional training as per the contemporary requirements. He was addressing of the participants of the 53rd PN Staff Course at War College Lahore. The Naval Chief said a combination of both innovation and core values is essential to tackle emerging challenges in the maritime domain. Earlier, course participants presented a research paper on the use of artificial intelligence in naval warfare. The research panel of the course also presented a review of the opportunities and challenges for the Pakistan Navy in this regard. The Chief of the Naval Staff appreciated the research and suggestions made by the course participants. Source: Radio Pakistan

SIFC’s efforts paving way for export of salt

The efforts on the part of Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) are paving the way for export of salt from Pakistan. Pakistan's salt deposits from mines are the second largest in the world, while salt is also obtained in abundance from the sea. The processing and export of salt obtained from the sea was not given special attention in the past, which was taken up by the Hub Salt Company as an unsolicited proposal. The proposal, which had been lying dormant for two years, was raised at the SIFC forum. SIFC brought together all the stakeholders to consider the proposal and highlight the national and international importance of the project. Taking into consideration the concerns, concerns and needs of all stakeholders, the SIFC proposed a workable solution that created a win-win situation for all parties. Work on this multi-billion dollar project is expected to be started in the next one to one and a half year. The initial volume of the salt obtained from the coastal areas of Pakistan is two mill ion tons per year, which has the potential to increase to twenty million tons per year. Source: Radio Pakistan