Pakistan, US have successfully recalibrated their relationship: Masood

Pakistan's Ambassador to the US Masood Khan has stated that Pakistan and the United States have successfully recalibrated their relationship, emphasizing two main clusters: security and economic partnership. Talking to Tim Horgan of World Affairs Council of New Hampshire during 'Global in the Granite State' Podcast, he said Pak-US economic partnership is all encompassing. The Ambassador said that Pakistan could act as an economic bridge between China and the United States. Maood Khan said the United States leadership has been managing the relationship with great care and wisdom. He also noted that the recent visits have set the ground for collaborative model, not a confrontational model. He opined that continuing rapprochement between United States and China would be in the interest of the two countries and the globe. He said that while the US is decoupling or de-risking, it could relocate some of its industries to Pakistan. The United States could also manufacture in Pakistan and export its products and services to China. On regional peace, Pakistan's Ambassador to the US said the shared goal for Pakistan, United States and all leading nations of the world is to have peace and security in the region. He said on one hand, we have to take steps to curb tendencies that would hurt international peace and security and on the other, to promote the global commons that make this life better for the majority of the people. The Ambassador, on Global South, said the priority number one should be elimination of poverty, eradication of poverty and we have to reduce poverty to zero and that's a goal that we should pursue. Underscoring that peace and security was a holistic subject; the Ambassador emphasized the need for investment in sustainable development. He said we have to face the challenge of climate change as it has become existential threat for the entire globe. Noting that US is overly aligned with India which was negation of traditional policy of maintaining strategic balance in the relationship with South Asian countries, the Ambassador opined that restoration of equilibrium would contribute to peace and security of the region. About India's progress, Masood Khan observed that their progress would become much more respectable if they have good relations with their neighbors, including Pakistan and if they also invest in economic connectivity. He said India's preference should be neighborhood first and it should be peaceful neighborhood. On Afghanistan, the Ambassador reiterated the call for Afghan Government to crackdown on organizations like TTP and said that we want the interim Afghan government to crack down on these outfits, particularly the TTP, to delegitimize and neutralize them. On Kashmir, the Ambassador reiterated Pakistan wanted that the people of the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir should be given a choice to determine their own future thought the ballot box and no through bullets. Source: Radio Pakistan

Dar reiterates invitation to President Erdogan for visiting Pakistan

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar joined a collective call of D-8 Foreign Ministers on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the conclusion of the Extraordinary meeting of D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers on the Situation in Gaza. President Erdogan was briefed on the proceedings of the Ministerial meeting. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister applauded Turkiye's initiative of hosting D-8 Ministerial meeting on Gaza. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister conveyed to President Erdogan the greetings of President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. He thanked President Erdogan for his personal interest and leadership towards enhancing Pakistan-Trkiye bilateral relations. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister reiterated invitation to President Erdogan for visiting Pakistan at the earliest convenience for the 7th High Level Strategic Cooperation Council. Source: Radio Pa kistan

Pakistan, China affirm consensus on up-gradation of CPEC

The Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has expressed the resolve for high-quality development of CPEC and foster synergy between the development strategies of Pakistan and China through close coordination. He was talking to Chinese President Xi Jinping during a long and in-depth discussion at historic Great Hall of the People in Beijing. During the meeting, the two leaders also affirmed consensus on up-gradation of the CPEC and advancing the development of the mega project in the second phase. Commending President Xi's visionary Belt and Road Initiative and Global Development Initiative, the Prime Minister underscored that as the flagship project of BRI, China Pakistan Economic Corridor has significantly contributed to Pakistan's socio-economic development. He underlined Pakistan's commitment and full support for safety and security of Chinese nationals, projects and institutions in Pakistan. The two leaders exchanged views on regional and global developments including Afghanistan, Palestine and Sou th Asia including the serious human rights situation in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Source: Radio Pakistan

PM leaves for Pakistan after concluding China visit

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has left for Pakistan after completing his five-day historic and successful visit to China. The Prime Minister's visit to China proved to be an important milestone regarding the start of second phase of China Pakistan Economic Corridor, strengthening trade relations and strategic partnership between both countries. In a statement, the Prime Minister said that his recent visit to China added a new dimension to the bilateral relations of both countries. Terming the friendship between both countries as eternal and unparalleled, Shehbaz Sharif expressed gratitude to the Chinese leadership for their hospitality. Under the second phase of CPEC, Chinese businessmen and investors met with Pakistani counterparts. The Prime Minister termed the Chinese development in diverse sectors including Information Technology, agriculture, minerals as worth emulating. He said that both nations will get benefit from the economic partnership between both countries. Shehbaz Sharif expressed hope that the effects of the positive developments made during his recent visit to China will last for a long time. Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province Chen Chunjiang and senior diplomatic officials of both countries bid farewell to the Prime Minister while leaving for Pakistan. Source: Radio Pakistan

Ishaq Dar calls for withdrawal of Israel from Arab territories

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar has called for total withdrawal of Israel from all occupied Arab territories. Addressing the Extraordinary Meeting of the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul today, he demanded the restitution of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their right of return to Palestine, and the establishment of an independent homeland for the Palestinians with pre-1967 borders and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. The Foreign Minister urged the international community to act to get stopped the aggravating situation in Gaza. He said the International Court of Justice's order directing Israel to immediately halt its military offensive in Gaza must be implemented. Ishaq Dar said Pakistan has consistently supported a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the occupied Palestinian territories based on international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. He said Pakistan believes that there can be no lasting peace in the Middle East witho ut a comprehensive resolution of all outstanding Arab-Israeli disputes. The establishment of a sovereign, viable and contiguous Palestinian state is an absolutely prerequisite for regional peace and stability. Ishaq Dar said silence and inaction in the face of outrageous killings, mistreatment and relocation of the Palestinians is not an option. He said we must stand up for our brothers and sisters in Palestine and present a united front to stop Israel's inhumane and barbaric brutalities. The Foreign Minister said this timely gathering of Foreign Ministers of eight important Muslim countries must send a strong message of support to the Palestinian people. He said it must also lead the call and campaign for concerted and immediate international action to halt Israeli aggression and open all channels of humanitarian assistance to the besieged people of Gaza. Source: Radio Pakistan