Interior Minister leaves for UK

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has left for the United Kingdom on the first leg of his visit to Europe. He will hold meetings with the British Interior Minister and other top officials. Later, the Interior Minister will also visit Italy and Vatican City where he will have important meetings including with the Italian Interior Minister in Rome and Pope Francis at Vatican city. Source: Radio Pakistan

Int’l Day of UN Peacekeepers being observed today

The International Day of UN Peacekeepers is being observed today to highlight role of UN peacekeeping forces for world peace. The theme for 2024 International Day of UN Peacekeepers is 'Fit for the future, building better together'. In a statement, ISPR said Pakistan's contributions to UN peacekeeping are a testament to its commitment to international peace and security. It said Pakistani peacekeepers will continue towards uplift of local communities in troubled regions. Pakistani peacekeeping forces are playing an important role in accomplishing the mission of the United Nations peacekeeping forces with great skill and dedication. During UN peacekeeping missions, 171 Pakistani soldiers, including 27 officers, have sacrificed their precious lives for the restoration of global peace. Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan to continue playing role in safeguarding peace: PM

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has reiterated Pakistan's resolve to continue to play its role in safeguarding and enforcing global peace and making this world a better and more peaceful place for present and succeeding generations. In his message on the occasion of International Day of UN Peacekeepers, the Prime Minister paid tributes to the all the peacekeepers around the globe. He said we special gratitude to Pakistani peacekeepers whose services to the global peace and security have been acknowledged by all and sundry. He said over the sixty-four years of our commitment to the UN peacekeeping, 230,000 Pakistan military personnel including over 500 female peacekeepers have made the nation proud of their stellar contributions. Shehbaz Sharif said the nation will forever remain in eternal debt to 181 martyrs who laid down their life in the service of global peace and security. Source: Radio Pakistan

Govt pursuing zero tolerance policy towards smuggling, power pilferage

The government is pursuing zero tolerance policy towards smuggling, hoarding and power pilferage. Measures under the Special Investment Facilitation Council, effective from September last year, have resulted in scores of arrests and recoveries of billions of rupees. During the anti-smuggling operation, a total of 3,036 metric tons of fertilizer smuggling and its illegal movement was foiled. Preventing the smuggling of essential items, the authorities seized 281 metric tons of wheat and flour from the smugglers. Over the last nine months, 34,640 metric tonnes of sugar was seized, due to which the illegal profiteering of sugar was brought to an end. During the same period, authorities seized 27,923 metric tonnes of fertilizer from hoarders and ensured its availability to farmers. 2,503 metric tonnes of wheat, 56,948 metric tonnes of ghee and 10,379 metric tonnes of sugar were recovered from market price manipulators. Meanwhile, law enforcement agencies registered 145,365 FIRs against people involved in p ower theft and arrested over 70,000 power thieves and recovered ninety three billion rupees. These initiatives by the government in collaboration with SIFC underscore the government's commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting Pakistan's economy. Source: Radio Pakistan

Punjab CM directs strict monitoring of epidemic diseases

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has directed the strict monitoring of epidemic diseases including Measles in the province. Taking notice of deaths of children due to measles in Pattoki, she directed Secretary Health to submit an immediate report on the incident. She directed provision of the best possible medical treatment to the children affected by measles. Source: Radio Pakistan