South Korea Explores Investment Opportunities in Balochistan’s Key Sectors

Quetta, During a significant meeting with Balochistan’s Chief Minister Sarfraz Bugti, South Korean Ambassador to Pakistan Park Kijun expressed interest in investing in the region's infrastructure, IT, tourism, livestock, and minerals sectors.

According to Zameen.Com, Ambassador Park praised Balochistan's unique cultural and natural resources, highlighting its attractiveness to potential investors. The discussions emphasized tourism, IT, and the rich resources of the province, including its expansive coastline and mineral wealth.

Chief Minister Bugti welcomed the interest from South Korea, offering assurances of a supportive business environment and full protection for Korean investors. He pointed out the strategic importance of sectors like fisheries and livestock, which are abundant in Balochistan and have untapped economic potential.

The meeting also touched on the Chief Minister's initiative to provide vocational training to 30,000 young individuals in the province. This program aims to equip them with the necessary skills to work abroad, thereby contributing to Pakistan's economy through remittances.

Ambassador Park expressed appreciation for the vocational training plan, acknowledging its potential to bolster the workforce and enhance economic ties between South Korea and Pakistan. The discussion concluded with a mutual agreement to enhance cooperation and investment in Balochistan, reinforcing the strong diplomatic and economic relations between the two countries.