Pakistani Baby With Multiple Heart Holes Given New Life in Dubai

A Pakistani father has shared an incredible story of how his baby’s life was saved through exceptional medical treatment in Dubai. Syed Iftikhar’s son, Abbas, fought for his life in intensive care due to serious health complications.

As reported by the National News, Abbas’s medical bills reached millions of dirhams, but the hospital generously waived the costs. Mr. Iftikhar expressed gratitude, stating, “Despite financial difficulties, Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital in Dubai provided excellent, life-saving treatment.”

Abbas, born in September 2022, seemed healthy except for a small cyst in his brain. Within months, his health rapidly deteriorated.

He stopped eating, became restless, and experienced seizures. Concerned, Iftikhar realized his son’s condition was serious. Alarmed by Abbas’s dropping oxygen levels, Iftikhar called an ambulance. Paramedics rushed Abbas to Al Jalila Hospital’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).

After observing Abbas, doctors discovered multiple holes in his heart. However, the family worried about the cost of necessary heart surgery due to financial struggles.

During a bronchoscopy, doctors found that Abbas had irreparable floppy airways. The news devastated the family, as doctors informed them that Abbas would require a ventilator for an extended period.

Despite efforts, Abbas’s condition worsened, and his lungs failed to function properly. Iftikhar and his wife faced constant anxiety as Abbas’s condition fluctuated.

In a critical moment, doctors urgently performed a tracheotomy on Abbas to save his life. With a hole in his neck and temporary paralysis, Abbas’s life hung by a thread.

A collaborative effort among the ICU team, cardiac surgeons, pulmonologists, and ENT specialists saved Abbas’s life.

Mahmoud Al Soufi, a cardiologist at the hospital, explained the complexity of Abbas’s condition, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Open-heart surgery was not viable due to his size and weakness. Instead, the medical team focused on clearing his airways and addressing the heart defects.

After seven months in the ICU, Abbas was transferred to the regular ward, showing notable progress since 10 July. Iftikhar extended heartfelt appreciation to the Al Jalila Hospital team for their outstanding treatment provided at no cost.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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