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FBR Orders Officers to Deposit Gifts Received During Official Visits to Other Countries

The Federal Board of Revenue has bound the officers to declare and deposit the gifts received during official visits to foreign countries.

According to the FBR that in its monthly meeting held at FBR (HQs), Board-in-Council (BIC) discussed various agenda items and made some very important decisions. For the first time ever in the organization’s history, the BIC unanimously agreed to establish Toshakhana under the relevant rules and guidelines of the Cabinet Division.

The BIC also discussed the existing rules regarding the acceptance and disposal of gifts. After thorough deliberations, it was decided to notify procedures with regards to inventory management and display of the gifts received from dignitaries/guests during official meetings and visits.

It was further decided that all officers of FBR would voluntarily declare and deposit gifts received by them. The minimum threshold for gifts has been determined to be Rs. 10,000 for FBR instead of Rs. 30,000, currently fixed for the other divisions of the Federal Government. The only exception to these rules is applicable on shields and gifts that have an individual’s name engraved. It was also agreed that gifts so far declared will be disposed of as per applicable rules and regulations.

Furthermore, the BIC also approved the new nomenclature for FATE Wing which will now be known as Public Relations Wing. Likewise, the two training directorates of Inland Revenue Service and Pakistan Customs, FBR have got their new names, IRS Academy and Pakistan Customs Academy, respectively.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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