Punjab’s Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi directed the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) to renovate 705 community parks in Lahore.
During a meeting to review the performance of PHA, Mohsin Naqvi ordered the officials to open flower shops and a nursery in Lahore. They will feature over 400 kinds of local and international plants.
The initiatives aren’t just limited to the provincial metropolis. PHA will also be responsible for offering landscape designing and planning services, including flowers and plants, at affordable rates in other cities of Punjab as well.
Earlier in August, PHA Rawalpindi sent a project for approval to establish a grand nursery on 1,000 kanals of land. The project, once approved, will help the department stabilize itself financially.
During a recent plantation drive, the authority had planted 85,000 saplings in 20 Miyawaki forests at different places in Faisalabad.
Furthermore, 40,000 plants had also been distributed among citizens during recent tree plantation drives.
Source: Pro Pakistani