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Death anniversary of Maulvi Abdul Haq observed

The 63rd death anniversary of Maulvi Abdul Haq famously known as Baba-e-Urdu was observed on Friday.

He was born in 1870. He was educated first in Punjab and then at the M.A.O. college, Aligarh.

He went to Hyderabad in 1895 and became head of Dar-ut-Tarjuma.

In 1912 he was made the General Secretary of the Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu.

He dedicated his entire life for the promotion of Urdu language.

After his migration to Pakistan, he re-organized the Anjuman Taraqqi-e-Urdu in Karachi.

From his lot of contributions to Urdu, his work include the Standard English-Urdu Dictionary, the Urdu Sarf-o-Nahw, Maktoobat, Afkar e Haali, and Qawaid-e-Urdu.

He died on this day in 1961.

Source: Radio Pakistan

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